The 👉 backhand index pointing right emoji
What is this emoji 👉? The 👉 emoji, also known as 'Backhand Index Pointing Right', represents a hand with the index finger extended and pointing towards the right. It is commonly used to indicate direction, emphasis, or to draw attention to something. The emoji can convey the idea of 'look over there' or 'pay attention to this'. It can also be used in a playful or sassy manner to suggest 'I'm watching you' or 'I've got my eye on you'. The 👉 emoji can be used in various contexts to indicate instructions, suggestions, or to simply point something out.
Skin Tones
👉 Backhand Index Pointing Right backhand_index_pointing_right, fingers, hand, direction, right
👉👉🏻 Backhand Index Pointing Right backhand_index_pointing_right, fingers, hand, direction, right
👉🏻👉🏼 Backhand Index Pointing Right backhand_index_pointing_right, fingers, hand, direction, right
👉🏼👉🏽 Backhand Index Pointing Right backhand_index_pointing_right, fingers, hand, direction, right
👉🏽👉🏾 Backhand Index Pointing Right backhand_index_pointing_right, fingers, hand, direction, right
👉🏾👉🏿 Backhand Index Pointing Right backhand_index_pointing_right, fingers, hand, direction, right
👉🏿Meaning of emoji 👉?
Wondering What does the Backhand Index Pointing Right emoji mean on snapchat, twitter or text message? curious about receiving the 👉 emoji from a guy or girl?
The 👉 emoji can have different meanings depending on the context. It is often used to indicate direction, as in 'go this way' or 'look over here'. It can also be used to draw attention or emphasize a point. Additionally, the emoji can be used playfully or sarcastically to convey a sassy or watchful attitude.
How to use backhand index pointing right emoji?
Here some backhand index pointing right emoji usage examples:
- The store is just around the corner, go 👉
- 👉 Please take a look at this report and provide your feedback.
- I found the perfect gift for you! 👉
- 👉 I'm watching you, so be careful!
- 👉 Don't forget to lock the door before leaving.
- The answer to your question is right here 👉
The backhand index pointing right related emojis?
👇 Backhand Index Pointing Down backhand_index_pointing_down, fingers, hand, direction, down
👇👈 Backhand Index Pointing Left backhand_index_pointing_left, direction, fingers, hand, left
👈👉 Backhand Index Pointing Right backhand_index_pointing_right, fingers, hand, direction, right
👉👆 Backhand Index Pointing Up backhand_index_pointing_up, fingers, hand, direction, up
👆🤙 Call Me Hand call_me_hand, hands, gesture, shaka
🤙👏 Clapping Hands clapping_hands, hands, praise, applause, congrats, yay
👏🤞 Crossed Fingers crossed_fingers, good, lucky
🤞🕵️ Detective detective, human, spy, detective
🕵️🧐 Face with Monocle face_with_monocle, face, stuffy, wealthy
🧐🙏 Folded Hands folded_hands, please, hope, wish, namaste, highfive, pray, thank you, thanks, appreciate
🙏🖐️ Hand with Fingers Splayed hand_with_fingers_splayed, hand, fingers, palm
🖐️🤝 Handshake handshake, agreement, shake
🤝💡 Electric Light Bulb light_bulb, light, electricity, idea
💡🤟 Love-You Gesture love_you_gesture, hand, fingers, gesture
🤟🔍 Magnifying Glass Tilted Left magnifying_glass_tilted_left, search, zoom, find, detective
🔍📝 Memo memo, write, documents, stationery, pencil, paper, writing, legal, exam, quiz, test, study, compose
📝🤓 Nerd Face nerd_face, face, nerdy, geek, dork
🤓👌 OK Hand ok_hand, fingers, limbs, perfect, ok, okay
👌👊 Fisted Hand Sign oncoming_fist, angry, violence, fist, hit, attack, hand
👊👐 Open Hands open_hands, fingers, butterfly, hands, open
👐✊ Raised Fist raised_fist, fingers, hand, grasp
✊✋ Raised Hand raised_hand, fingers, stop, highfive, palm, ban
✋🙌 Raising Hands raising_hands, gesture, hooray, yea, celebration, hands
🙌🤘 Sign of the Horns sign_of_the_horns, hand, fingers, evil_eye, sign_of_horns, rock_on
🤘👎 Thumbs Down thumbs_down, thumbsdown, no, dislike, hand, -1
👎👍 Thumbs Up thumbs_up, thumbsup, yes, awesome, good, agree, accept, cool, hand, like, +1
👍✌️ Victory Hand victory_hand, fingers, ohyeah, hand, peace, victory, two
✌️🖖 Vulcan Salute vulcan_salute, hand, fingers, spock, star trek
🖖👋 Waving Hand waving_hand, hands, gesture, goodbye, solong, farewell, hello, hi, palm
👋✍️ Writing Hand writing_hand, lower_left_ballpoint_pen, stationery, write, compose