The 🤦 face palm emoji
What is this emoji 🤦? The 🤦 emoji, also known as 'Face Palm', depicts a person facepalming with their hand. It is commonly used to express frustration, disappointment, or disbelief in response to someone's actions or words. The emoji shows a person with a palm on their face, with closed eyes and a pained expression. It is often accompanied by captions or other emojis to convey the person's exasperation or incredulity.
Skin Tones
🤦 Face Palm person_facepalming, disappointed
🤦🤦🏻 Face Palm person_facepalming, disappointed
🤦🏻🤦🏼 Face Palm person_facepalming, disappointed
🤦🏼🤦🏽 Face Palm person_facepalming, disappointed
🤦🏽🤦🏾 Face Palm person_facepalming, disappointed
🤦🏾🤦🏿 Face Palm person_facepalming, disappointed
🤦🏿Meaning of emoji 🤦?
Wondering What does the Face Palm emoji mean on snapchat, twitter or text message? curious about receiving the 🤦 emoji from a guy or girl?
The 🤦 emoji is universally understood to represent facepalming or expressing disbelief at someone's foolishness or incompetence. It is used to indicate frustration, disappointment, or incredulity in response to a situation or someone's actions. The emoji can also convey a sense of resignation or the feeling of wanting to hide one's face in embarrassment.
How to use face palm emoji?
Here some face palm emoji usage examples:
- I can't believe I forgot my keys again. 🤦
- He said the wrong answer in front of everyone. 🤦♂️
- She spilled coffee all over her new laptop. 🤦♀️☕️
- I asked for no pickles on my burger, but they still put them on. 🤦♂️🍔
- They scheduled two meetings at the same time. 🤦♀️📅
- I accidentally sent the email to the wrong person. 🤦📧
The face palm related emojis?
😖 Confounded Face confounded_face, face, confused, sick, unwell, oops, :S
😖😕 Confused Face confused_face, face, indifference, huh, weird, hmmm, :/
😕🕵️ Detective detective, human, spy, detective
🕵️😞 Disappointed Face disappointed_face, face, sad, upset, depressed, :(
😞😓 Downcast Face with Sweat downcast_face_with_sweat, face, hot, sad, tired, exercise
😓😡 Pouting Face pouting_face, angry, mad, hate, despise
😡😑 Expressionless Face expressionless_face, face, indifferent, -_-, meh, deadpan
😑🧐 Face with Monocle face_with_monocle, face, stuffy, wealthy
🧐🙄 Face with Rolling Eyes face_with_rolling_eyes, face, eyeroll, frustrated
🙄😤 Face with Steam From Nose face_with_steam_from_nose, face, gas, phew, proud, pride
😤😳 Flushed Face flushed_face, face, blush, shy, flattered
😳🔍 Magnifying Glass Tilted Left magnifying_glass_tilted_left, search, zoom, find, detective
🔍🤦♂️ Man Facepalming man_facepalming, man, male, boy, disbelief
🤦♂️🤷♂️ Man Shrugging man_shrugging, man, male, boy, confused, indifferent, doubt
🤷♂️📝 Memo memo, write, documents, stationery, pencil, paper, writing, legal, exam, quiz, test, study, compose
📝🤓 Nerd Face nerd_face, face, nerdy, geek, dork
🤓😐 Neutral Face neutral_face, indifference, meh, :|, neutral
😐😔 Pensive Face pensive_face, face, sad, depressed, upset
😔😣 Persevering Face persevering_face, face, sick, no, upset, oops
😣🙅 Person Gesturing No person_gesturing_no, decline
🙅🙆 Person Gesturing OK person_gesturing_ok, agree
🙆😫 Tired Face tired_face, sick, whine, upset, frustrated
😫😒 Unamused Face unamused_face, indifference, bored, straight face, serious, sarcasm, unimpressed, skeptical, dubious, side_eye
😒🙃 Upside-Down Face upside_down_face, face, flipped, silly, smile
🙃😩 Weary Face weary_face, face, tired, sleepy, sad, frustrated, upset
😩🤦♀️ Face Palm woman_facepalming, woman, female, girl, disbelief
🤦♀️🤷♀️ Woman Shrugging woman_shrugging, woman, female, girl, confused, indifferent, doubt
🤷♀️😟 Worried Face worried_face, face, concern, nervous, :(