Full list of common used macOS symbols

macOS symbols copy by simple click

Command The Command key is commonly used in macOS as a modifier key for keyboard shortcuts.

Shift The Shift key modifies the normal action of other keys, enabling you to type capital letters and access additional characters.

^ Caret The Caret symbol is used in text editing to indicate where to insert or edit text.


Option The Option key, also known as the Alt key, is used to enter keyboard shortcuts and access special characters.

Caps Lock The Caps Lock key is used to toggle capitalization of text input.

Backspace The Backspace key deletes the character to the left of the cursor.

Return The Return key is used to enter a newline or submit forms, depending on context.

Tab The Tab key is used to navigate between form fields or other focusable elements.

Right Arrow The Right Arrow key is used for navigation or moving the cursor to the right.

Up Arrow The Up Arrow key is used for navigation or moving the cursor upward.

Left Arrow The Left Arrow key is used for navigation or moving the cursor to the left.

Down Arrow The Down Arrow key is used for navigation or moving the cursor downward.

Delete The Delete key removes the character to the right of the cursor.

Space The Space key represents a space character and is commonly used for text separation.

Home The Home key is used to move the cursor or scroll to the beginning of a line or document.

End The End key is used to move the cursor or scroll to the end of a line or document.

Escape The Escape key is used to cancel or exit an operation, dialog, or mode.

⏏︎ Eject The Eject key is used to eject removable media, such as CDs or DVDs, from a drive.


fn Function The Function (fn) key is used on some keyboards to activate secondary functions of other keys.
