The 📋 clipboard emoji
What is this emoji 📋? The 📋 emoji, also known as 'Clipboard', depicts a clipboard used for holding paper or documents. It is commonly used to represent tasks, organization, and note-taking. The emoji shows a rectangular object with a clip at the top and often contains lines indicating writing on a sheet of paper.
Meaning of emoji 📋?
Wondering What does the Clipboard emoji mean on snapchat, twitter or text message? curious about receiving the 📋 emoji from a guy or girl?
The 📋 emoji is typically used to indicate tasks, planning, or organization. It can be used to represent activities such as making a to-do list, writing notes, or managing schedules. The clipboard can also symbolize office work, paperwork, or any situation that involves documentation.
How to use clipboard emoji?
Here some clipboard emoji usage examples:
- I need to make a list of groceries to buy. 📋
- Don't forget to bring your clipboard for the meeting. 📋📝
- I have so many tasks to do today, I'll need multiple clipboards. 📋📋
- The teacher asked us to write our names on the clipboard. 📋✏️
- Let me check my clipboard to see what's next on the agenda. 📋🔍
- I'll jot down the important information on my clipboard. 📋✍️
The clipboard related emojis?
📊 Bar Chart bar_chart, graph, presentation, stats
📊📘 Blue Book blue_book, read, library, knowledge, learn, study
📘📑 Bookmark Tabs bookmark_tabs, favorite, save, order, tidy
📑🔖 Bookmark bookmark, favorite, label, save
🔖📚 Book books, literature, library, study
📚📅 Calendar calendar, calendar, schedule
📅🗃️ Card File Box card_file_box, business, stationery
🗃️🗂️ File Folder card_index_dividers, organizing, business, stationery
🗂️📇 Card Index card_index, business, stationery
📇📉 Chart Decreasing chart_decreasing, graph, presentation, stats, recession, business, economics, money, sales, bad, failure
📉📈 Chart Increasing chart_increasing, graph, presentation, stats, recovery, business, economics, money, sales, good, success
📈📕 Closed Book closed_book, read, library, knowledge, textbook, learn
📕🗄️ File Cabinet file_cabinet, filing, organizing
🗄️📁 File Folder file_folder, documents, business, office
📁📒 Ledger ledger, notes, paper
📒🖇️ Paperclip linked_paperclips, documents, stationery
🖇️📔 Notebook notebook_with_decorative_cover, classroom, notes, record, paper, study
📔📓 Notebook notebook, stationery, record, notes, paper, study
📓📖 Open Book open_book, book, read, library, knowledge, literature, learn, study
📖📂 File Folder open_file_folder, documents, load
📂📙 Open Book orange_book, read, library, knowledge, textbook, study
📙📄 Page Facing Up page_facing_up, documents, office, paper, information
📄📎 Paperclip paperclip, documents, stationery
📎🗓️ Spiral Calendar spiral_calendar, date, schedule, planning
🗓️🗒️ Spiral Notepad spiral_notepad, memo, stationery
🗒️📏 Straight Ruler straight_ruler, stationery, calculate, length, math, school, drawing, architect, sketch
📏📐 Triangular Ruler triangular_ruler, stationery, math, architect, sketch
📐🗑️ Wastebasket wastebasket, bin, trash, rubbish, garbage, toss