apple version: CoinApple
twitter version: CoinTwitter
google version: CoinGoogle
facebook version: CoinFacebook

The 🪙 coin emoji

What is this emoji 🪙? The 🪙 emoji, also known as 'Coin', depicts a round piece of metal currency. It is commonly used to represent money, wealth, or financial transactions. The emoji shows a golden coin with a recognizable design on one side, often with an engraving or symbol. It can also symbolize luck or winning in games or gambling.

Meaning of emoji 🪙?

Wondering What does the Coin emoji mean on snapchat, twitter or text message? curious about receiving the 🪙 emoji from a guy or girl?

The 🪙 emoji is used to convey the concept of money or currency in various contexts. It can be used to represent actual coins or general wealth. Additionally, it may symbolize financial transactions, saving, or the economy. In a more metaphorical sense, it can also represent luck, fortune, or winning in games.

How to use coin emoji?

Here some coin emoji usage examples:

The coin related emojis?

Alarm Clock alarm_clock, time, wake

🏧 Automated Teller Machine atm_sign, money, sales, cash, blue-square, payment, bank


🪓 Axe axe, tool, chop, cut


🏦 Bank bank, building, money, sales, cash, business, enterprise


📊 Bar Chart bar_chart, graph, presentation, stats


📚 Book books, literature, library, study


💼 Briefcase briefcase, business, documents, work, law, legal, job, career


📅 Calendar calendar, calendar, schedule


📉 Chart Decreasing chart_decreasing, graph, presentation, stats, recession, business, economics, money, sales, bad, failure


📈 Chart Increasing chart_increasing, graph, presentation, stats, recovery, business, economics, money, sales, good, success


💳 Credit Card credit_card, money, sales, dollar, bill, payment, shopping


🕵️ Detective detective, human, spy, detective


💵 Dollar Banknote dollar_banknote, money, sales, bill, currency


💶 Euro Banknote euro_banknote, money, sales, dollar, currency


💎 Gem Stone gem_stone, blue, ruby, diamond, jewelry


💲 Heavy Dollar Sign heavy_dollar_sign, money, sales, payment, currency, buck


🔑 Key key, lock, door, password


💡 Electric Light Bulb light_bulb, light, electricity, idea


🔍 Magnifying Glass Tilted Left magnifying_glass_tilted_left, search, zoom, find, detective


🔎 Magnifying Glass Tilted Right magnifying_glass_tilted_right, search, zoom, find, detective


📝 Memo memo, write, documents, stationery, pencil, paper, writing, legal, exam, quiz, test, study, compose


💰 Money Bag money_bag, dollar, payment, coins, sale


🤑 Money-Mouth Face money_mouth_face, face, rich, dollar, money


💸 Money with Wings money_with_wings, dollar, bills, payment, sale


📓 Notebook notebook, stationery, record, notes, paper, study


🗝️ Key old_key, lock, door, password


⛏️ Pick pick, tools, dig


💷 Pound Banknote pound_banknote, british, sterling, money, sales, bills, uk, england, currency


💴 Yen Banknote yen_banknote, money, sales, japanese, dollar, currency


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Extra information of coin

Emoji version: 13.0
Unicode version: 13.0
Skin tone support: no
Updated 6/15/2024