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twitter version: GoatTwitter
google version: GoatGoogle
facebook version: GoatFacebook

The 🐐 goat emoji

What is this emoji 🐐? The 🐐 emoji, also known as 'Goat', depicts a domesticated animal often found in farms or mountains. It is characterized by its horns, beard, and agile nature. The emoji is commonly used to represent goats in general, symbolizing their various qualities such as stubbornness, agility, curiosity, and independence. Additionally, it can also be used as a metaphor for someone who is the greatest in a particular field or as a slang term for 'Greatest of All Time'.

Meaning of emoji 🐐?

Wondering What does the Goat emoji mean on snapchat, twitter or text message? curious about receiving the 🐐 emoji from a guy or girl?

The 🐐 emoji can have different meanings depending on the context. It can represent goats in general, symbolizing their characteristics such as stubbornness, agility, curiosity, and independence. In some cases, it can also be used as a metaphor for someone who is considered the greatest or the best in a particular field. Furthermore, it is often used as an acronym 'GOAT' which stands for 'Greatest of All Time' and is used to describe someone or something that is considered the best in a particular category or field.

How to use goat emoji?

Here some goat emoji usage examples:

The goat related emojis?

🥇 First Place Medal 1st_place_medal, award, winning, first


🥈 Second Place Medal 2nd_place_medal, award, second


🥉 Third Place Medal 3rd_place_medal, award, third


🎯 Direct Hit direct_hit, game, play, bar, target, bullseye


👏 Clapping Hands clapping_hands, hands, praise, applause, congrats, yay


👑 Crown crown, king, kod, leader, royalty, lord


🕵️ Detective detective, human, spy, detective


🧐 Face with Monocle face_with_monocle, face, stuffy, wealthy


🎆 Fireworks fireworks, photo, festival, carnival, congratulations


🌎 Globe Showing Americas globe_showing_americas, globe, world, USA, international


🌏 Earth Globe Asia-Australia globe_showing_asia_australia, globe, world, east, international


🌍 Earth Globe Europe-Africa globe_showing_europe_africa, globe, world, international


🌟 Star glowing_star, night, sparkle, awesome, good, magic


💯 Hundred Points hundred_points, score, perfect, numbers, century, exam, quiz, test, pass, hundred


🔍 Magnifying Glass Tilted Left magnifying_glass_tilted_left, search, zoom, find, detective


📝 Memo memo, write, documents, stationery, pencil, paper, writing, legal, exam, quiz, test, study, compose


🎖️ Military Medal military_medal, award, winning, army


🤓 Nerd Face nerd_face, face, nerdy, geek, dork


👌 OK Hand ok_hand, fingers, limbs, perfect, ok, okay


👊 Fisted Hand Sign oncoming_fist, angry, violence, fist, hit, attack, hand


🙌 Raising Hands raising_hands, gesture, hooray, yea, celebration, hands


🐏 Sheep ram, animal, sheep, nature


🚀 Rocket rocket, launch, ship, staffmode, NASA, outer space, outer_space, fly


🤘 Sign of the Horns sign_of_the_horns, hand, fingers, evil_eye, sign_of_horns, rock_on


⚽ Soccer Ball soccer_ball, sports, football

🎇 Fireworks sparkler, stars, night, shine


⭐ Star star, night, yellow

🎾 Tennis tennis, sports, balls, green


👍 Thumbs Up thumbs_up, thumbsup, yes, awesome, good, agree, accept, cool, hand, like, +1


🏆 Trophy trophy, win, award, contest, place, ftw, ceremony


✌️ Victory Hand victory_hand, fingers, ohyeah, hand, peace, victory, two


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Extra information of goat

Emoji version: 1.0
Unicode version: 1.0
Skin tone support: no
Updated 6/15/2024