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The 🥝 kiwi fruit emoji

What is this emoji 🥝? The 🥝 emoji, also known as 'Kiwi Fruit', depicts a small, oval-shaped fruit with brown, fuzzy skin and green flesh inside. It is commonly used to represent the kiwifruit, which is a fruit with a unique tangy-sweet flavor. This emoji is often used in various contexts to refer to the fruit itself, as well as to convey healthy eating, tropical vibes, or New Zealand, where the kiwifruit is native to.

Meaning of emoji 🥝?

Wondering What does the Kiwi Fruit emoji mean on snapchat, twitter or text message? curious about receiving the 🥝 emoji from a guy or girl?

The 🥝 emoji is generally understood to represent the kiwifruit and its characteristics, such as its taste, texture, or appearance. It can be used to indicate the act of consuming or craving kiwifruits, to express a preference for healthy food choices, or to create a tropical or summery atmosphere. Additionally, the emoji may also be associated with New Zealand and its culture, as the kiwifruit is a significant part of the country's agricultural exports.

How to use kiwi fruit emoji?

Here some kiwi fruit emoji usage examples:

The kiwi fruit related emojis?

🥑 Avocado avocado, fruit, food


🥖 Baguette Bread baguette_bread, food, bread, french, france, bakery


🍌 Banana banana, fruit, food, monkey


🍞 Bread bread, food, wheat, breakfast, toast


🥦 Broccoli broccoli, fruit, food, vegetable


🥕 Carrot carrot, vegetable, food, orange


🧀 Cheese Wedge cheese_wedge, food, chadder, swiss


🍒 Cherries cherries, food, fruit


🥥 Coconut coconut, fruit, nature, food, palm


🥐 Croissant croissant, food, bread, french


🥒 Cucumber cucumber, fruit, food, pickle


🌽 Ear of Corn ear_of_corn, food, vegetable, plant


🍆 Eggplant eggplant, vegetable, nature, food, aubergine


🍇 Grapes grapes, fruit, food, wine


🍏 Green Apple green_apple, fruit, nature


🥗 Green Salad green_salad, food, healthy, lettuce, vegetable


🌶️ Hot Pepper hot_pepper, food, spicy, chilli, chili


🍋 Lemon lemon, fruit, nature


🥭 Mango mango, fruit, food, tropical


🍈 Melon melon, fruit, nature, food


🍑 Peach peach, fruit, nature, food


🍐 Pear pear, fruit, nature, food


🍍 Pineapple pineapple, fruit, nature, food


🍕 Pizza pizza, food, party, italy


🥔 Potato potato, food, tuber, vegatable, starch


🍓 Strawberry strawberry, fruit, food, nature


🍊 Tangerine tangerine, food, fruit, nature, orange


🍅 Tomato tomato, fruit, vegetable, nature, food


🍉 Watermelon watermelon, fruit, food, picnic, summer


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Extra information of kiwi fruit

Emoji version: 3.0
Unicode version: 3.0
Skin tone support: no
Updated 6/15/2024