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The ◀️ black left pointing triangle emoji

What is this emoji ◀️? The ◀️ emoji, also known as 'Black Left-Pointing Triangle', is a symbol that represents a geometric shape in the form of a triangle pointing to the left. It is commonly used in user interfaces, particularly in media controls, to indicate the action of going backward or returning to a previous state. The emoji is often paired with other media control symbols, such as the play, pause, and stop buttons, to provide a complete set of controls.

Meaning of emoji ◀️?

Wondering What does the Black Left-Pointing Triangle emoji mean on snapchat, twitter or text message? curious about receiving the ◀️ emoji from a guy or girl?

In the context of user interfaces, the ◀️ emoji signifies the action of going back or returning to the previous screen, slide, or track. It is commonly used in media players, video streaming platforms, and presentation software. Additionally, the emoji can also be used more broadly to represent concepts such as rewind, previous steps, or going back in time.

How to use black left pointing triangle emoji?

Here some black left pointing triangle emoji usage examples:

The black left pointing triangle related emojis?

🔙 Back Arrow back_arrow, arrow, words, return


👇 Backhand Index Pointing Down backhand_index_pointing_down, fingers, hand, direction, down


👈 Backhand Index Pointing Left backhand_index_pointing_left, direction, fingers, hand, left


👉 Backhand Index Pointing Right backhand_index_pointing_right, fingers, hand, direction, right


👆 Backhand Index Pointing Up backhand_index_pointing_up, fingers, hand, direction, up


🔃 Clockwise Vertical Arrows clockwise_vertical_arrows, sync, cycle, round, repeat


🔄 Counterclockwise Arrows Button counterclockwise_arrows_button, blue-square, sync, cycle


🔽 Downwards Button downwards_button, blue-square, direction, bottom


📀 DVD dvd, cd, disk, disc


Fast Reverse Button fast_reverse_button, play, blue-square

💾 Floppy Disk floppy_disk, oldschool, technology, save, 90s, 80s


⏮️ Last Track Button last_track_button, backward


⬅️ Leftwards Black Arrow left_arrow, blue-square, previous, back


🚂 Steam Locomotive locomotive, transportation, vehicle, train


📴 Mobile Phone Off mobile_phone_off, mute, orange-square, silence, quiet


🕉️ Om om, hinduism, buddhism, sikhism, jainism


💿 Optical Disk optical_disk, technology, dvd, disk, disc, 90s


🔁 Clockwise Rightwards and Leftwards Open Circle Arrows repeat_button, loop, record


🔀 Shuffle Tracks Button shuffle_tracks_button, blue-square, shuffle, music, random


👍 Thumbs Up thumbs_up, thumbsup, yes, awesome, good, agree, accept, cool, hand, like, +1


🔼 Upward Button upwards_button, blue-square, triangle, direction, point, forward, top


🤍 White Heart white_heart, pure


Get black left pointing triangle emoji code in HTML hex and more

9664 65039

Extra information of black left pointing triangle

Emoji version: 0.6
Unicode version: 0.6
Skin tone support: no
Updated 6/15/2024