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The πŸ›Ή skateboard emoji

What is this emoji πŸ›Ή? The πŸ›Ή emoji, also known as 'Skateboard', represents a common type of recreational vehicle used for skateboarding. It is typically a flat platform with four wheels designed for riding and performing tricks. Skateboarding is a popular sport and recreational activity that involves riding and maneuvering the skateboard on various surfaces. The πŸ›Ή emoji is commonly used to refer to skateboarding, skaters, or to express enthusiasm or excitement for the sport.

Meaning of emoji πŸ›Ή?

Wondering What does the Skateboard emoji mean on snapchat, twitter or text message? curious about receiving the πŸ›Ή emoji from a guy or girl?

The πŸ›Ή emoji is used to represent skateboarding or skaters. It can convey a sense of thrill, adventure, skill, or rebellion. In different contexts, it can also symbolize youth culture, street culture, creativity, or a carefree and independent spirit. Additionally, the πŸ›Ή emoji can be used simply to express excitement or enthusiasm similar to how one might use the thumbs-up emoji.

How to use skateboard emoji?

Here some skateboard emoji usage examples:

The skateboard related emojis?

🎨 Artist Palette artist_palette, design, paint, draw, colors


πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ¨ Artist artist, painting, draw, creativity


🚲 Bicycle bicycle, sports, bicycle, exercise, hipster


πŸ”– Bookmark bookmark, favorite, label, save


πŸ“š Book books, literature, library, study


πŸ“Έ Camera with Flash camera_with_flash, photography, gadgets


🎞️ Film Frames film_frames, movie


πŸ–ΌοΈ Framed Picture framed_picture, photography


🌎 Globe Showing Americas globe_showing_americas, globe, world, USA, international


🌏 Earth Globe Asia-Australia globe_showing_asia_australia, globe, world, east, international


🌍 Earth Globe Europe-Africa globe_showing_europe_africa, globe, world, international


🎸 Guitar guitar, music, instrument


🎧 Headphone headphone, music, score, gadgets


πŸ›΄ Scooter kick_scooter, vehicle, kick, razor


πŸ•°οΈ Mantelpiece Clock mantelpiece_clock, time


🎀 Microphone microphone, sound, music, PA, sing, talkshow


πŸ›΅ Motor Scooter motor_scooter, vehicle, vespa, sasha


🏍️ Motorcycle motorcycle, race, sports, fast


πŸ›£οΈ Motorway motorway, road, cupertino, interstate, highway


πŸŽ₯ Movie Camera movie_camera, film, record


🎡 Musical Note musical_note, score, tone, sound


🎢 Musical Notes musical_notes, music, score


πŸ“– Open Book open_book, book, read, library, knowledge, literature, learn, study


πŸͺ‚ Parachute parachute, fly, glide


🎭 Performing Arts performing_arts, acting, theater, drama


πŸ„ Surfer person_surfing, sport, sea


πŸ“Œ Pushpin pushpin, stationery, mark, here


πŸ“ Round Pushpin round_pushpin, stationery, location, map, here


πŸ“Ή Video Camera video_camera, film, record


⌚ Watch watch, time, accessories


πŸ—ΊοΈ World Map world_map, location, direction


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Extra information of skateboard

Emoji version: 11.0
Unicode version: 11.0
Skin tone support: no
Updated 6/15/2024